Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Abuelita by Tony Johnston

My Abuelita is a story about a boy who lives with and idolizes his grandmother or Abuelita. The story starts off going through the routine of what they do together before she goes to work. He shares the silly things she does and say to get ready for work and not until the very end to they reveal her job. The author mixes in spanish words through out the text and has captivating writing, but the illustrations really steal the show! The pictures use handcraft puppets that jump off the page and every detail is so perfect! When reading this to a child they are going to want to look at the pictures for hours, finding a new detail each time. Besides the illustrations, I really enjoyed the over all story line. I like how this could be use as a multicultural with the different laguage used and how the art of story telling is valued in the Mexican culture. Also I like how the main character once again doesnt fit into the common stereotype of white middle-class boy, instead he is a young hispanic boy who lives with his grandma. I think story shows a loving relationship between two family memebers and gives a positive outlook on how story telling is special and fun.

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