Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Boy, The Bear, The Baron, The Bard by Gregory Rodgers

This is a wordless picture book and in some aspects a graphic novel. This is a story of adventure based around a young boy who travels back in to Shakespearean time and saves a bear, rescues a Baron, and escaping the Bard, William Shakespeare himself. At first when going through the pictures of the book I did not understand the story at all, nor did I get that the man chasing the characters was William Shakespeare, but after reading the summary in the front and then going through the book again it all made sense. I don't this a good book to view as a group with the comic book style set up, it would be to confusing. This is definitely a one on one book. I think younger children would really enjoy this story the pictures are detailed and full of expression which helps tell the story. Also I love the fact that it is set up in a graphic novel type of way! This would be a great story to show children a different way to tell a story rather than just common picture books. It could also be a great way to lead into project such as creating text for this story or even your own picture book. This is a fun read for younger children that is sure to fill their heads with imagination and adventures. I would for sure take the time to check it out!

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